пятница, 1 ноября 2013 г.

Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel

A statement of the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel concerning the activity of Vladimir Muntyanu.

With a deep understanding of our responsibility before God and Ukrainian people, together with other Christian churches, unions and associations, the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel expresses its opinion as for the activity of the spiritual center “Revival” guided by Vladimir Muntyanu in Ukraine.

We hereby inform you that the spiritual center “Revival” was a part of the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel from 03.11.2009 till 19.09.2012. After the serious claims (of theological and ethical character), that had been set by many Ukrainian church ministers concerning the activity of pastor V. Muntyanu, the authorized members of the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel had numerous meetings with him aiming to express their opinion regarding his ministry. During the discussion of the activity of the spiritual center “Revival” at the official meeting of the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel Vladimir Muntyanu, in the presence of his assistant Valentin Kolba, gave a public promise to take into a close consideration all the recommendations and advices he had received from bishops and pastors. However, after that Vladimir Muntyanu sent a membership cancellation letter, confirming his secession from the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel, and the remarks received by him regarding his ministry were totally ignored, the testimony of which we presently see in his nowadays activity.   

Analyzing the activity of V. Muntyanu, which is being widely advertised nowadays by means of mass media, the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel states that the basic negative points of his activity are as follows:

1. Excessive accent on the practice of redemption of the believers from the generic curses, a promise to “kill the hoodoo”, “celibacy wreath”, “loneliness seal”, “poverty curse” and others, which is an extremely contradictive and doubtful practice from the point of view of the evangelic teaching and can be considered as an occult practice.
2. During redemption prayers from demonic power exercised by V. Muntyanu the same people come for these prayers over and over again, which can be a testimony that they don’t receive the real redemption.
3. Practice of false public statements. Thus, more than once V.Muntyanu gave public statements, including his statements at the meeting of the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel, that his calling is not the creation of the new church union, but carrying out the evangelic crusades in all regions of Ukraine aiming to assist the activity of the local churches. In reality, in the meantime the spiritual center “Revival” headed by him carries out the dynamic and wide-spread activity all over Ukraine, aiming to create new churches, and also to invite into its union already existing churches, including those which are parts of other church unions.   
4. Rude and systematic violence of pastoral and Interchurch ethics is expressed in following things:
·            Piracy for the members and ministers of other churches by active expansion through the mass media, internet resources and different manipulative technologies, and in separate cases by means of direct offers to improve the personal financial and material state of these ministers.
·             Positioning the people with a doubtful reputation for spiritual, including pastoral ministry.
·            Public diminishing of the authority and discrimination of the ministry of pastors of other churches; insulting expressions to the address of the ministers who disagree with the practice of his activity etc.
5.                 Presence of typical features of totalitarian sectarianism, namely:

·            Practice of the technique of psychological pressure and conscience manipulation.
·            Permanent stress on the advantages of this ministry over other ministries.
·            Excessive attraction of people to his own personality and the organization headed by him, formation of personality cult.
·            Promise of a “guaranteed” God’s blessing (as a rule, in the sphere of health, finances) in case of a generous donations for the ministry by V.Muntyanu and so on.

By practicing the above-mentioned things V.Muntyanu and the spiritual center “Revival” headed by him, place themselves out of the evangelic community. Regarding all this, the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel gives a sharply negative estimation to the activity of V.Muntyanu and gives a warning that the further indrawal of the people into this non-biblical practice can lead them into a deep frustration and a total spiritual bankruptcy, as well as bring a next strike on the reputation and a good name of the evangelic Christianity in the society.
The Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel calls all the Christians in Ukraine and abroad, and especially the heads of the churches, to be prudent, and, having the fear of God, to guard themselves and the people entrusted to them from the influence of the activity of V.Muntyanu. We insistently recommend the representatives of the mass media to stop translating the sermons and programs of the spiritual center “Revival”.

At this we also inform that the churches of the Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel sincerely wish to render all the necessary spiritual assistance to all the people who have suffered in the result of the activity of the center “Revival” and its head Vladimir Muntyanu.   

“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to right teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear”
(2 Timothy 4:3)

“I know full well that false teachers will com …
not sparing the flock. Watch out!..”
(Acts 20:29-31)

Ukrainian Interchurch Counsel
02094, Kiev, Krasnogvardeiskaya Str, 12/95, (044) 331-69-51, (067) 231-76-56; umrada@gmail.com

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